LED Light department:

Production of different LED Lamps for standard lighting application as well as production of armatures on a customer's request.

We have following group of products:

1. Led Street Lamps

2. Tunnel Light

3. Standard LED Indoor Bulbs

4. Decorative Led Illumination

After six years of research and development and many prototypes, we have developed new gamma of LED Lamps for wide spectrum of lighting applications. We present new LED Street Lamps which offer good and perspective solution for changing old, standard mercury, HPS and LPS armatures. New lamps have much better technical characteristics, lower consumption, longer life and are fully ecological.

All Lamps are produced from aluminum and polycarbonate glass, without any hazard material or mercury. Confirmation for that is CE, RoHS and pending UL Certificates. Lamp is fully prepared for recycling after period of use and is therefore fully environmentally-friendly solution.

Products offer very low electricity consumption, no maintenance and easy installation thus providing very fast return of investment of approximately 2.5 years.

Furthermore, the products offer quite comfortable color of light, better distribution of light on illuminated area, without glare outside of the projected area and near to continuous illumination in the projected square area.

Low profile, insensitive on vibration, robust and modular construction are some of the beneficiary of the products.

FIVE YEAR WARRANTY make this products unique on the market. Long life-length of products, 50 000h with 12h per day use offers a life length of approximately 11 years.